Starts: 6/30/2025
Ends: 7/3/2025
Times: 9 AM - 3:30 PM
Ends: 7/3/2025
Times: 9 AM - 3:30 PM
Central Campus:
North Classroom Building, 1320 Sam Ryburn Walk, Charlotte, NC 28204
North Classroom Building, 1320 Sam Ryburn Walk, Charlotte, NC 28204
Calling all future crime scene investigators! Participants in our CSI camp will process and document mock crime scenes using real world techniques and equipment. Campers will obtain and inspect evidence, develop fingerprints, cast shoe impressions, analyze hair and fiber samples and examine handwriting for forgeries. They will use their new knowledge to identify the perpetrator of a crime and put him/her/them on trial. In addition, visitors from law enforcement agencies such as the Charlotte- Mecklenburg Police Department, the FBI, Secret Service or others may make short presentations.
Fee includes camp t-shirt (adult sizes only), foot cast, fingerprint card and more!